As a part of its ongoing project for enhancing the mental health of. . .
The Rotary Club Of Daman has tested 100+ beneficiaries under the An. . .
As a part of Rotary Club of Damans monthly commitment at its adopte. . .
On the occasion of World Cancer Day today, Dr. Trupti Damania condu. . .
The Rotary Club of Daman is a proud partner in the execution of Rot. . .
As a part of the Rotary Club of Damans ongoing Drishti Kavach Proje. . .
Rotary Club of Daman in association with Rotary Club of Vapi -West . . .
A tree plantation project cum fellowship over breakfast was organis. . .
A Blood Donation Camp was organized by the Rotary Club of Daman in . . .
A Mega Health Check-up Camp for Diabetic Patients was organized by . . .
No Bag Day for students was celebrated on 11th December at Kunta Go. . .
A diabetes check-up and awareness camp was organized by Vatar Navyu. . .
Rotary Club of Daman Celebrated NO BAG DAY for students of Kunta Go. . .
The Rotary Club of Daman felicitated 86 Teachers and 43 Principals/. . .
Rotary Club of Daman nominated Shri Hitesh Gajjar for the district-. . .
Rotary Club of Daman Celebrated Teachers Day on 5th Sept. with the. . .
Rotary Club of Daman conducted a vision screening camp for the geri. . .
Rotary Club of Daman conducted a self-breast examination training s. . .
Rotary Club of Daman had the privilege of organizing the Felicitati. . .
Rotary Club of Daman celebrated No School Bag Day for the students . . .
Rotary Club of Daman distributed notebooks to students of Kunta Gov. . .
Rotary Club of Daman distributed flavored milk to devotees of Shri . . .